Navin Waqar

Navin Waqar discusses heartbreak, privacy, and industry reinvention in a candid interview

Navin Waqar first gave an in-depth insight into her emotional journey and explained how her grief has shaped her. She revealed, “My heart was terribly broken, and when I put it back together, I took away a lot of things.” Don’t trust everyone blindly. I don’t have the strength to withstand the tragedy. I am a very sensitive person.

She continued, “When I fight with my boyfriend, it feels like my world is ending until we’re friends again… I can’t sleep; I have nightmares, and I have this fear of what if I lose this person.” “MashAllah, I’m lucky to have the kind of people in my life that I can’t imagine living without. When you mend your heart after a breakup, you gain things like self-confidence. You, you, that’s where you need to prove yourself to… Everyone can use words; words don’t work anymore.

Waqar also spoke about the evolving dynamics of relationships in today’s technology-driven world. She emphasized the importance of authenticity and warned against illusions that spread through social media. “Our lives have become so technological. What you see on the screen or on Instagram is not true. Leave aside the filters. When people present themselves in a great way, you have no idea what someone is like in real life.

Navin Waqar elaborated on his views on marriage and emphasized the importance of character: “Are you a good person or not? » She expressed her concern about the superficiality of modern relationships and the challenge of recognizing authenticity in the digital age.

The actor also admitted, “I’m not as jazbati as I used to be.” Moreover, she said that she is “a bit superstitious.” “I am too when it comes to work. Until a project is finished, I don’t talk about it.’ She added, ‘I believe there are a lot of people in it. this world who do not want to participate in your happiness. There are very few people who are truly happy for you, who pray for you and think of you in their prayers, but not everyone is good for you.”

Speaking about her single status, Navin Waqar expressed her satisfaction at being a self-proclaimed hermit. “My friends tease me and say the only way I can find someone is to leave my house. I don’t leave my house. “I’m a recluse, and I love it… Stay where you’re happy,” she joked. While acknowledging her single status, Waqar emphasized her belief in fate and divine timing. ‘I believe that if something is written in your life, destiny will find you, one way or another. I don’t intend to find it. If God writes someone into my destiny, it will happen. I look, but I don’t look.

Despite her public appearance, Navin Waqar revealed that she prefers privacy, especially when it comes to her personal life. “I like my privacy. I post about very few things, like work, sports, or pets. She thinks it’s good to involve people to a limited extent. she revealed.

The actress also spoke about her previous role as Sara in Humsafar and marveled at its memorable value despite the passage of time. “People still call me Sara. MashAllah, the value of memory, until now, after so many years… People loved to hate her, and then they felt sorry for her,” she recalls.

More thoughtfully, Waqar expressed concerns about the need to reinvent himself in the entertainment industry. “I don’t want to denigrate the sector I work in, but we have to reinvent ourselves… If we always show that we grow up by marrying our cousin and that we have no other goals in life, then we are going to do “something wrong.”

When the conversation turned to personal topics, including divorce and why we don’t talk about it, Waqar showed a reserved attitude. “Now people say to everyone: [I won’t do that]. It’s my personal space and my privacy… My parents taught me to manage things in my house internally. When it comes out, it changes. It’s like the Chinese whisper. Who do you want to silence? You cannot. So shut up.

She continued: “Deal with it as you would with any tragedy. Acknowledge it, absorb it, and take a step back. I don’t want to talk about it because a lot of people use it to put themselves in the spotlight. So I didn’t want to be in the spotlight like that. I always wanted my work to be noticed. Waqar added: “If something happens in life that you regret, it is a lesson for you.